Those who are involved with live streaming for many years will appreciate this re-cap :)
The evolution of online live video.
Broken down by year, video quality, internet connectivity, team involved, leading streaming technology, distribution method, cost to produce 1 hour high-quality broadcast, and average audience size.
160x120 pix
56 KBps
ISDN special installation
Producer, camera/sound operators, IT support, 4-6 weeks time for vendor installation
Real Networks
Office networks
Audience size > 500
320x240 pix
512 KBps
Producer, camera/sound operators, IT support
Windows Media and Flash
Office networks
Audience size > 5000
640x360 pix
1 MBps
DSL, T1, T3
Producer, camera/sound operators, IT support
Windows Media and Flash
Office networks and home use
Audience size > 10000
1280x720 pix
4 MBps
Fiber, 4G
Producer, streaming specialist
HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)
Social media platforms
Audience size > 5000
1920x1080 pix
10 MBps
Fiber, 5G
Zoom, Social media platforms
$0 (use your laptop or smartphone)
Audience size > 50 - 500
See how easy is to live stream from your phone or laptop to multiple destinations, including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn: open a free trial.
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